cps research
the solution to your success
Facilities & Team
CPS Research offices in Glasgow have full clinical and administrative facilities, including:
- Fully-equipped Clinical Unit
- Secure, restricted-access sample processing and storage with -20°C and -80°C freezers
- Secure, restricted-access, temperature-controlled and monitored IMP/IP room
- Secure, restricted-access archival facility
Sample processing area
- Access to a full complement of standard laboratory tests
- On-site monitoring room
Magnetic resonance, CT, DXA, x-ray, mammogram, endoscopy, and ultrasound are all within easy reach for patients participating in trials at our site.
Our Team:
- Medically-Qualified Directors and Clinically-Qualified Managing Director
- Full-time Research Physician and Research nurses on site
- Administration Team
- Regulatory Manager
- Patient Recruitment Team
- IT Programmer
Our Experience
Established in 1988, CPS Research has over 30 years’ clinical trial site experience, having conducted more than 250 studies. As a result, our medically and clinically qualified management team, together with our experienced staff, have a wealth of clinical and research experience.
We are experts in management and conduct of trials in; Pharmaceuticals, Microbiome therapies, Over the counter (OTC), Food supplements, Devices.
In additon, CPS Research has provided consultancy services to pharmaceutical, food and medicine device companies for over 20 years, and our management team has written and contributed to over 100 papers, book chapters and posters in their fields of expertise.
Recruitment Model
Onsite Recruitment Model
Potential participant can view the advert on Facebook or after a Google search. Only those within a defined radius of the site location can view the advert (usually 20—25 km). Demographic searches on Facebook can be targeted to focus on age, gender (not just location).
Potential participant completes eligibility online questionnaire. Questions are closely based on the eligibility criteria for the trial. Questionnaire also contains further general information relating to the study procedures, visits, timelines etc.
Potential participants who successfully complete the questionnaire and who appear eligible are asked to provide contact details (telephone and email).
Potential participants are contacted by our Research Nurses to go through a further, detailed screening questionnaire. The study is discussed in more detail and the participants are sent the Patient Information Sheet to review.
Visit One Scheduled
Following successful pre-screening, eligible participants are given an appointment for attendance at the CPS Research clinical facilities based in Glasgow.
Global Recruitment Model
Potential participant can view the advert on Facebook or after a Google search. Only those within a defined radius of the site location can view the advert (usually 20—25 km). Demographic searches on Facebook can be targeted to focus on age, gender (not just location).
Potential participant completes eligibility online questionnaire. Questions are closely based on the eligibility criteria for the trial. Questionnaire also contains further general information relating to the study procedures, visits, timelines etc.
Potential participants who successfully complete the questionnaire and who appear eligible are asked to provide contact details (telephone and email).
Throughout the recruitment process, CPS Research coordinates directly with the site team to confirm their capacity to receive referrals. We also confirm their communication preferences, availability and any other logistics to ensure a smooth flow of referrals at a rate the site can manage.
Referral Management
Site receives a referral notification of potential participant who has been pre-screened and eligible to proceed to consent, is well informed on trial requirements, and keen to progress. Site is asked to contact patient within 24-48 hours.
Recruitment Metrics
CPS Research has a strong track record for successfully recruiting to studies located at either our Investigator Site in Glasgow or to any other research site further afield in the UK, Europe and Rest of World.
Investigator Site Recruitment Metrics
Global Recruitment Metrics
Proficient monitoring of recruitment statistics during the campaign allows CPS Research to sustain momentum and adjust advertising and survey activity according to the needs of the study.
Recruitment figures for a recent social media campaign in Poland seeking patenits experiencing hot flushes
Quality Assured
- Full suite of Standard Operating Procedures managed under ISO 9001:2015 / ISO 27001
- Principal Investigator oversight.
- GCP and study specific training is maintained by all Investigators and CPS Research team.
- Standardised monitoring of investigation results.
Standardised monitoring and reporting of clinical safety events.
- CPS Research designed source documents.
- We are also a member of the British Healthcare Business Intelligence Association.