Following the latest updates from the Scottish Government, which you can view here, we at CPS Research would like to take this time to reassure you that it is, and will continue to be, business as usual for us. As they relate to important health research and development, clinical trials are deemed as essential work and we will always prioritise your healthcare and your safety during this time.
The health and safety of our patients and members of staff has always been our most important priority throughout the COVID-19 crisis and we will continue to do everything we possibly can to keep our patients and our staff safe.
Participation in clinical trials is essential to helping shape the future of healthcare. As part of your Patient Information pack, you will receive a travel authorisation letter that states that you are participating in an essential clinical trial. All of our patients should carry this letter with them when travelling to and from their appointments with CPS Research.
Covid Protocols
We will be continuing with our staggered appointment times to ensure our patients do not spend any time in our waiting room and can instead proceed directly to their designated clinical room.
We always have stringent health and hygiene measures in place at our facility and we increased those measures following a thorough and detailed COVID-19 risk assessment earlier this year. We will continue to monitor our procedures in line with the most up-to-date guidance and will continue to maintain the highest possible health and safety standards.
Temperature Checks
Everyone is required to have a temperature check as they enter the clinic. If you are travelling by car, please wait in your car and phone 0141 946 7888. If not, simply press the CPS Research buzzer to notify us that you have arrived. One of our team will then meet you at the door or in your car to check your temperature before escorting you to your designated clinical room for your appointment.
Hand Sanitising
Multiple hand sanitisation stations are located throughout the clinic. Keeping your hands clean is one of the simplest and most effective ways of keeping yourself and others safe and preventing the spread of germs. That’s why we have hand sanitising stations conveniently located throughout our clinic. Our staff also follow a rigorous hand cleaning schedule.
PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
All of our staff will be equipped with personal protective equipment to keep you and them as safe as possible. Face masks must also be worn by patients throughout the duration of their visit to the clinic.
Clinic Deep Cleaning
Every consultation room and visiting area is deep cleaned between visits to ensure your safety. All surfaces and handles are also sanitised after they have been touched to keep everyone as safe as possible.
Social Distancing
Social distancing of 2m will be in effect at all times within the clinic. All of our staff observe the strict social distancing guidelines and throughout the duration of your visit, you can be assured of our continued adherence to these guidelines.
Clean Air Filters
Each clinical room is fitted with a 0.1 micron HEPA air filtration system which filters the air removing viral particles. It’s important, when in enclosed spaces, that there is excellent ventilation and air filtration to ensure no viral particles linger in the air from patient to patient and with our clean air filters, we are keeping everyone involved in our trials as safe as possible.
The health wellbeing of our patients and staff is of the greatest importance and we thank you for your continued support during challenging time.If you are part of a trial, you are contributing to future health developments. Where possible, please continue to keep your appointments. If you have any questions regarding your visit to CPS Research, please phone 0141 946 7888 or email Make sure you stay up-to-date with the latest news, developments and COVID-19 related updates on our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and, of course, on our website.
Stay safe!