A few weeks ago,Tuesday the 19th of October, CPS took to the airwaves! Dr Karen Hopkins, one of our clinical research physicians, and Rosie, one of our research nurses, were live on Awaz FM!
Karen and Rosie were live on air with Shabnum to discuss clinical trials, how important participation in clinical trials is, why it’s important the Asian community participate and what clinical trials CPS have ongoing at the moment!
Awaz FM is Glasgow’s Asian Radio Station and serves the people of Glasgow, broadcasting in English, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, Paharhi and Swahili.
We were delighted to be invited on to provide more information about clinical research and answer some commonly asked questions about clinical trials. To watch the full interview, click on the image below!
Make sure you stay up-to-date with the latest news, developments and clinical trial updates on our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and, of course, on our website
You can also be the first to know about the launch of a new clinical trial by signing up to our Research Register.